
Tropicals, Blackberry, Mandarin, Winey

This coffee comes from the wet mill in Chelbesa, a town within Gedeb (which, for those who enjoy Russian doll descriptions, is an area within Yirgacheffe). It's an organic Grade 1 coffee composed of heirloom cultivars, the types of shrubs that once grew wild in Ethiopia's coffee forests. Like most of the origin's better brews, this one comes from loads of small outgrowers, farmers who grow a smattering of trees on their property and submit their harvests to local mills. The processing entailed a weeks-long period of careful sun drying, resulting in some fantastic fruit-forward tones.

Tropicals headline the cup: pineapple, guava, and a kiss (yeah, a kiss) of lilikoi. On the mainland side, blackberry makes a Downey Jr supporting appearance. There's some mandarin that layers nicely with the berry and tropical tones. There may also be a winey quality to this one, but it's slippery; present in certain brew styles, less present in others. All in all, this one is a winner. Grab a bag while it lasts.
  • Process - Dry/Natural
  • Altitude - 2,200 MASL
  • Region - Yirgacheffe, Ethiopia
  • Varietal - Heriloom Cultivars
  • Grade - 1

Best for: 

  • Pour Over
  • Aeropress
  • Drip Machine
  • French Press

Unless otherwise stated, all bags are sold in 12 oz quantities.