

Fruit Salad, Toast & Jam, Port, Candied Lemon

Wush Wush coffee has two major things going for it: the most memorable name in the specialty coffee world, and flavors that are so unique, so thoroughly inimitable, they manage to be memorable in excess of the name. The best Wush Wush brews are a carnival of flavors. They can range from fruity to sweet to herbal. This one nicely summarizes their profile.

Having spent 90 hours in anaerobic fermentation, this brews a wild cup. Watermelon Jolly Rancher headlines this brew. It's a great note—big, fruity, and as saturated as they come. Riding shotgun is a note of Banana. Banana flavors aren't easy to find, so if you're one of those people who kneels at the Chiquita altar, you'll want to saddle up. The anaerobic process gets its showcase via some hefty funk, which frames the fruit in a way that recalls a good Lambic. And since we're dipping into alcoholic tones, it seems only appropriate to point out the winey notes in this one. In many ways, they are as defining as the fruit, and they make the cup thoroughly memorable.

If you're new to Wush Wush coffees or untamed brews, this is a great place to start. If you're a devotee, you'll count it among the varietals greatest hits. Coffees like this don't come around often. Grab it while it lasts.

  • Process - Anaerobic Natural
  • Region - Oromia
  • Altitude - 2000 MASL
  • Varietal - Wush Wush

Best for:

  • Pour Over
  • Auto Drip
  • Press Pot
  • Aeropress
  • Wild Single Origin Espresso (non dairy)


Unless otherwise stated, all coffees are sold in 12 oz bags.