
Almond, Green Tea, Citric Acid, Caramel

The washed Colombian is the bread and butter of the specialty world. It's neither snazzy nor available to snobbish characterizations. You won't find a roaster—not one worth his salt, anyway—affixing notes of ponzu or lemongrass curd to a washed Colombian; to do would dash credibility. A washed Colombian coffee tastes like, well, coffee, but there's a gradient within the category. A good washed Colombian tastes like delicious coffee, a great washed Colombian tastes like sublime coffee, and a perfect washed Colombian tastes like the reason you fell in love with the drink to begin with. 

This coffee comes from Forest Importers, a branch of El Vergel, one of Colombia's finest coffee farms. El Vergel's operators, Shady and Elias Bayter, use Forest to scour the country for exceptional, unrecognized coffees. For this brew, they pulled from Narino, one of the higher growing areas in the origin. It's a community lot, meaning it's the product of several small farms in the area, and it's made of Colombia's favorite varietals, Caturra and Catillo. Community lots offer balance that tidily expresses the character of a region, and that's a good thing here, because Narino is king of the washed category. With this brew, you're not just drinking Colombia, you're drinking a particular subregion that's more than earned its fame.  In no particular order, the notes are almond, green tea, citric acid, and caramel. In isolation, they are great, but in harmony, they are a thing to behold.
  • Process - Washed
  • Region - San Pablo, Narino
  • Altitude - 1730 MASL
  • Varietal - Castillo

Best for:

  • Pour Over
  • Single Origin Espresso
  • French Press
  • Drip

All coffees are sold in 12 oz. bags. If you would like us to grind for you, please note the preference in the order notes, making sure to also include your brewing device.