
Lychee, More Lychee, Rose, Muscat

Lychee is one of the better notes in the tropical scale, and this coffee plays it forte. It's a rare, complex brew from Finca La Secreta, a Colombian farm that sits at a whopping 2,000 meters. It also boasts fruit-infused processing, a method that incorporates fruit skins—in this case lychee—during fermentation.

The producer behind this cup is Juan Carlos Mejia. He chose pure Caturra for this brew; then he put it through his signature anaerobic lychee processing. The coffee sat in sealed tanks. It swam with lychee skins. It danced a jig, sang a diddy, then swan-dove into some Grainpro lined burlap, all for your pleasure. 

Lychee is the headliner here (no surprise), a big cymbal clash of the stuff. You catch it from the dry fragrance to the cup's flavors. But it's not overbearing, and that's really the magic trick: the fruit is dominant but not authoritarian. There's also a wonderful hit of rose in this coffee. It's deep and resonant, a spring garden reduced. Rounding out the profile is a delightful strike of Muscat, which blooms on the cool, while staying mindful of its supporting role. The overall impression is fruity, bright, tart, and sweet, with an eponymous note that's as detectable as it is delectable (nothing sells coffee like a good rhyme). So grab yourself a bag and enjoy. It's one of the better fruit-infusions you're going to find.

  • Region - Antioquia, Colombia
  • Farm - Finca La Secreta
  • Varietal - Caturra
  • Processing - Lychee Anaerobic
  • 2,050 MASL

Best for:

  • Pour Over
  • Aeropress
  • French Press
  • Drip Machine