
Pineapple, Tamarind Soda, Vanilla Cream

Kenya is one of those origins that wobbles knees. Its best crops drink like wines, alive with sparkling acidity, tannins for days, and fruit/spice marriages worthy of destination settings. This coffee reps those attributes without breaking a sweat. It's an AB lot from the Ngugu-Ini mill in the Kirinyaga district. If you're looking for a bright, bracing, and utterly delicious, this one might be for you. 

Pineapple plays quarterback in this cup, which is a nice departure from the cranberry and citrus-toned headliners you often catch in Kenya. It's a big, vibrant note, sweet as Hawaiian gold and not even remotely sour. Backing the fruit is a hit of tamarind*, but not your usual variety. There's a sizzle to it that turns it into something like Tamarind Soda.** As if that weren't enough, this coffee features a vanilla coda and a wildcard creaminess that you don't typically catch from the origin. The overall impression is bracing, refreshing, sweet: everything you want in a Kenya.

If you're into Kenyan coffees—or you're chasing flavor irrespective of origin—give this one a try. It stands among the best of Kenya (and that's saying something).

  • Region - Kirinyaga
  • Process - Washed
  • Varietal - SL-28, SL-34, Batian, Ruiru-11
  • Grade - AB

Best for:

  • Pour Over
  • Aeropress
  • Drip Machine
  • French Press
  • Single Origin Espresso

Unless otherwise stated, all bags are sold in 12 oz quantities.